E-Chemicals, your all-in-one SaaS solution for optimal chemical management, available 24/7.

With our intuitive platform, you can closely monitor the obsolescence status of chemicals, receive alerts for changes or deletions of values in SDS, and quickly access summaries of SDS and the impact of regulations on your products.

You'll also be able to track the status of your orders and access delivery documents such as Bill of Lading, Analysis Bulletins, and Compliance Declarations for delivered batches, and even place your replenishment requests in just a few clicks.

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Standard features include:

All SDS-related data is centralized, simplified, and standardized within the E-Chemicals platform. With just a few clicks, you can analyze the contained substances, CLP classification, UN code, ICPE threshold, PPE, and download a simplified version of the SDS.

Alert emails are sent for each new version of SDS. You can easily analyze the impact of new versions at a glance with our synthetic analysis of the evolution impacts between SDS versions.

Quality documents such as SDS, technical sheets (FT), and other product information documents are archived on the platform to streamline procedures and facilitate audits.

E-Chemicals classifies each product according to its obsolescence status and communicates the Last Buy Order (LBO) date and Sunset date when known.

To anticipate the risk of product discontinuation, we send you email alerts for every status change.

Certain products may undergo advanced obsolescence risk monitoring, for which substitute products will be proposed.

E-Chemicals monitors numerous regulations including:

  • REACH,
  • Export Control,
  • RoHS,
  • POP,
  • PIC,
  • VLE,
  • ICPE,
  • PFAS…

You can analyze the impact of these regulations on your product catalog, and to facilitate your regulatory monitoring, alert emails will be sent to you.

Une arborescence vous permet de découper votre entreprise en sites, services, ateliers, postes de travail ou autre entité de votre choix. Vous pourrez identifier vos produits par ateliers/ lieux de stockage.

These entities can be used as filters on all search pages.

An unlimited number of user accounts can be created, providing 24/7 access to the platform for all your employees.

Order Tracking: Keep an eye on the status of your orders and access all delivery documents (Bill of Lading), Analysis Bulletins (BA), and Compliance Declarations (DC) for delivered batches.

Replenishment Requests: Simplify the replenishment process by submitting your requests directly from the E-Chemicals platform.

Chemicals data management

And it's free for all products purchased from us.

Our services for collecting and managing Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Our additional modules, à la carte, according to your needs:

Our HSE expertise services include:

  • Support for REACH, RoHS regulation

  • Support for Export Control

  • Product end-of-life risk assessments (obsolescence)

  • SDS translation, compliance and authoring services

  • Obsolescence risk management

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